Go to Pedigree Chart of Jacob Cox’s family
We are currently preparing a pedigree chart for the Jacob Cox family. If you don’t find it here, give us another visit in a few days. It should be up and running soon. The chart will cover Jacob’s parents and grandparents with just a little bit of information about siblings, aunts, and uncles. It will also cover what we know about his known children and their descendants through the first few generations. We give just a little extra attention to Jacob’s brother, Samuel, because it is his family that has been most a part of our Y-DNA study.
Go to Family Photo Section
The gallery of family photos that we have are limited because many of the people we include lived in a time before photography was an option. We also tend to cover folk who were not among the rich and famous, so there was no one doing paintings of them–at least we are not aware of such paintings or wealthy ancestors!